Introducing One Sunny Day your local florist...

The most gorgeous local florist shop in Flora Terrace North Beach. Kim had tried to develop her own Shopify Store and realised quickly how time consuming and difficult a task this can be for a business owner when you have literally one million other priorities at any given moment.

I was recommended to Kim by a local as she reached out on Facebook in a local community Group. What an awesome project this one has been. Super fun project to work on with the gorgeous images of the flowers and gifts. Amazing opportunity to provide entire art direction and give lots of advice to a new ecommerce Client.

With stunning products - this Shopify store was always going to look beautiful!

With a tweak to their existing logo and a Client that was open to me recreating it, the new and simplified version of ONE SUNNY DAY is clean and contemporary and really elevates the visual communication of this Client.

Using a new Shopify 2.0 theme, One Sunny Day launched with 58 beautifully stunning floral and giftware products.

As with all new businesses, budget was always front of mind. We were able to launch the Shopify store without any apps at this stage. I have advised a couple of reputable apps that would be helpful when the budget allows.

It has been a real pleasure building a relationship with Kim @ One Sunny Day and I plan to work with her long into the future bringing even more value to her new venture. I also really love having a Client literally around the corner with such gorgeous products. I'll never look anywhere else for flowers again!

design direction

  • shopify store
  • free theme
  • must be 2.0 compatible
  • no apps if possible
  • art direction
  • theme selection
The clean and minimal design for One Sunny Day online store with Shopify

Imagine the possibilities for your new business with a graphic design studio that delivers creative solutions like this!

Are you ready?  Let’s work together!