Introducing Marie Forleo. A thought leader and global teacher in 'building a business and life you love'!
So there it is, a super simple question, how do you build a business and life you love? Well thank your lucky stars, because I found the answer... Marie Forleo!!!

Simple & Beautiful
This outstanding individual has dedicated her life to helping us - that's right us! Those of us striving to do it all, literally having a life and business you love! Marie not only takes us on a journey each week of self help, but interviews some fairly awesome individuals along the way. She literally rubs shoulders with the best including my all time favourite real life superhero Oprah!

Oh and while we're name dropping, why don't we include another guru in the self help arena... Mr Tony Robbins.

Marie inspires female entrepreneurs to literally live their best life and find balance in their business. In her own show MARIE TV, Marie seeks out successful entrepreneurs and asks them the questions we all want to know the answers to. Honestly these interviews are life changers and so are Marie's hot tips all along the way.
What I look forward to on MarieTV:
- Her stunning wardrobe and hair and makeup - ahhhhmazing!
- which guest may be appearing
- answers to the questions around 'balance'
- Her hilarious skits and best tips and tricks advice to get things done
- oh and not forgetting - JERSEY MARIE
Perfect Distraction from the everyday - and you learn something new each episode
Click below to go straight to MARIE TV and get going people!